Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Great Sufi Saint Sheikh Dayem Ullah Sixth Khalifa of Holy Dayera Sharif Azimpur Died on Jan 1995

His Eminency Shah Sufi Mohammed Dr. Nurul Alam

The picture of Holy Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Official Logo of Dayemi Complex Granted by United Nations and Government of Bangladesh

Dayemi Complex Bangladesh

(An International Organization for Religious, Social, Educational, Humanitarian & Voluntary Services in Bangladesh in Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the U.N., United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and U.N. PEACE MESSENGER Organization designated by the U.N. Secretary General in 1986) Federal Tax I.D. # 13-369905, and Exempt Organizations Certificate No. EX218067, Registered as Non-profit Organization # 6045 with the State of New York, United States of America)


United Nations New York, (Updated) March 2007

A two-century old dynastical religious platform for the cause of human values housed in the religiously renowned premises of Dayera Sharif, in a densely populated area of the old historical place at Azimpur at the heart of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, culminated into an organizational set-up as the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh in the year 1969. This Dayera Sharif, the seat of religious and spiritual deliberation, bears 200 years old history. A lone dilapidated wall at its premises build after the Moghul structural pattern still stands as silent testimony to its glorious past. Here, from this great house the message of fraternity and universal brother-hood were preached and its values upheld by the great learned spiritual advocates occupying its seat as descendants of Prophet Mohammed (SM) (Peace be upon him). The Prophet Mohammad (SM)(PBUH) stated that, “The human beings are crowned creations of Almighty God & The descendants of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (SM)(PBUH) Christians, Jewish and Muslims are cousin brothers”, in accordance of The Holy Quran.

2. His Eminency Hazrat Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah, the immediate past spiritual occupant of the House is the founder Chairperson of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh which is named as such after his great family anecdote. He was devout saint with dynamic vision. His relentless efforts have gone to the formation of a spider web of the socio-economic activities of this organization throughout Bangladesh. He breathed his last breath in 1995 (May His soul rest in peace). During his 3rd visit to the Holy city of Mecca for pilgrimage in 1987 His Holiness Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah (R.), the 42nd direct descendent and spiritual successor of the Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammed (SM) bestowed 43rd Spiritual successor ship upon His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam. The Dayemi Complex has become a symbol of succor to the poor, destitute and distressed. It made a clarion call for rehabilitation of tens of thousands of people rendered homeless due to river erosion, floods, cyclones and other natural calamities. A never-ending rehabilitation process of distressed humanity has been on acceleration under the initiative and dynamic guidance of its chairperson who has fully addressed himself to the Herculean task of upliftment of that section of people who have less. It is no wonder that this spiritual saint could rightly identify the ills his country is infested with.

3. Bangladesh, the most densely populated country of the World with 120 million people in 54,000 sq. miles of land is also factually the second poorest country in the world. Illiteracy, poverty, unemployment and over-populated are the main factors for her being in such a plight. The agriculture, which accounts for 85% employment of the people, remains primitive with the lowest per acre yield. The growth of an industrial economic base is measurably hindered due to absence of impetus and necessary expertise. The Dayemi Complex Bangladesh upholds that the only panacea for amelioration of peoples sufferings is to evoke a fundamental change in their outlook at grass-root level and this can only be brought about the removal of ignorance from among the vast masses. It has, since founded, more than 100 educational institutions and orphanages throughout the country. It can take pride in its achievement of providing accommodation for more than 3 (three) thousands orphans, irrespective of caste and creed who can devote to conventional, religious, technical and vocational pursuits in the 15 houses of orphans so far built. The schools, colleges and madrashas (religious institutions) established and run under the patronage of the Dayemi Complex have contributed its due share towards betterment of human resources.

4. Currently the Dayemi complex Bangladesh is carrying out its ambitious ten-year pilot plan (June 2007-2017) for upliftment, rehabilitation and development of the tribal areas, unemployed young men & women, orphan children and disastrous men, women & children throughout Bangladesh and adding to encourage micro-credit program among the distressed social women victims, tribal area, and hill tracks area of Chittagong Division. The DCB is working to provide necessary help and assistance for proper sanitation and supply of pure drinking water throughout the rural areas of Bangladesh also working to promote education for prevention of HIV/AIDS.

5. The Dayemi Complex Bangladesh UN office New York is officially submitting this proposal for your kind consideration regarding the proposed humanitarian projects of Dayemi Complex in Bangladesh on absolute humanitarian ground. The DCB is working for the following humanitarian projects in Bangladesh:

· Rehabilitation of 3000 Orphans children in 15 Orphanages at rural areas in every 3 years, with facility of education, vocational training for income generating program.

· Rehabilitation of 2000 distressed and social victim Women per year with vocational training for income generating program.

· Rehabilitation of 50,000 men & women of Chittagong Divisional Tribal area thru Micro-Credit income generating program with Sonali Unnyan Foundation (SUF).

· To provide necessary assistance for proper sanitation, supply of pure drinking water & to educate for prevention of HIV/AIDS thru 200 location of rural area of Bangladesh

· To promote Agricultural development, Fishing and Poultry farming for unemployed young men & women.

· To rehabilitate natural disastrous victim men, women & children of cyclone affected areas.

6. Besides the above, the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh has visualized and initially been working on project profile regarding the useful absorption, integration of beggars and tribal distressed men and women of Chittagong divisional hill tracks into the mainstream of society. The magnitude of social menace as posed by the beggars can hardly be underestimated. The overall improvement of the socio-economic condition of the people depends on complete eradication of beggars problem in accordance the millennium development goal of United Nations proclamation declared by the UN general assembly.

7. As regards funding and implementations of projects, the Complex depends on its own resources and funds received as donation from benevolent and philanthropic institutions of national and International stature. Constitutionally, it can also depend on their direct participation in the projects.

8. The Dayemi Complex Bangladesh is now working on national as well as international fields for propagation of faith, unity, discipline, peace and prosperity for the distressed humanity. In order to discharge their functions and to maintain liaison with various World Bodies, Government and Non-Government Agencies, this organization has established its offices at New York, Geneva, Vienna and Addis Ababa and His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Shah Sufi M. N. Alam, President/CEO, of the Dayemi Complex has been designated as Permanent Representative and World Peace Envoy to the United Nations since 1985. His Eminency has empowered and designated his younger son Syed Harmayen Khalil Ullah as Deputy Custodian of The Holy Dayera Sharif Azimpur and Dayemi Complex Bangladesh with immediate effect.

9. Because of the expanding gigantic task embarked upon by the Complex with its own meager resources and with a view to run these projects more effectively, we cordially invite your esteemed Foundation/Organization for direct and generous participation in our said economic & humanitarian projects which provide impetus to the poverty stricken, distressed and oppressed people living in sub-human conditions in Bangladesh and regions covering Third World Countries by contributing and, providing material, financial, technical and expertise support to all or any of our socio-economic and welfare projects for eradication of poverty, disease, illiteracy, unemployment, hunger, death and effects of natural calamities, man-made disaster and for protection, welfare and security of the oppressed humanity.

10. Should you deem it fit to have further information, please do not hesitate to write to us. We shall make a common platform of Partners in Progress. Donations may also be sent directly to The Dayemi Complex Bangladesh, The Chase Manhattan Bank Branch 15 UN Headquarter New York NY-10017 and will be acknowledged with appreciation.

11. Mr. Rafiq Ahmed, Additional UN Representative of DCB & Project Director of Fund Raising Project for Dayemi Complex Bangladesh in USA. He has been empowered to communicate with the US and International Foundations to raise funds for Dayemi Complex's Humanitarian Projects in Bangladesh. To contact him, his Phone# is 609-271-5817.


1.The greatest Prophet Hazrat Ahmed Moztaba Mohammed Mostafa Salallahu Alaihe Wasallam (pbuh) 2.Hazrat Syedana Amirul Muminin Mortuza Ali (Alihis Salam) (pbuh)3.Hazrat Syedana Imam Hussain (pbuh) 4.Hazrat Syedana Imam Zainul Abedin (pbuh) 5.Hazrat Syedana Imam Mohammad Baker (pbuh) 6.Hazrat Syedana Imam Ali Reza (pbuh) 7.Hazrat Syedana Imam Musa Kazem (pbuh) 8.Hazrat Syedana Maeuf Karkhi (Rahmatullah) 9.Hazrat Syedana Sirre Sakhti (R) 10.Hazrat Syedana Junaid Bogdadi (R) 11.Hazrat Syedana Abu Baker Shili (R) 12.Hazrat Syedana Rahim Uddin (R) 13.Hazrat Syedana Abdul Tamimi (R) 14.Hazrat Syedana Shah Usuf Tartusi (R)15.Hazrat Syedana Abul Hasan (R)16.Hazrat Syedana Abu Syed Makhjumi (R)17.Hazrat Syedana Gausul Azam Mohiuddin Abdul Qader Zilani (R) (Sufi Master of Kaderia Sufi Oders) 18.Hazrat Syedana Shahbuddin Sorrawardi (R) 19.Hazrat Syedana Nizamuddin Gojnabi (R) 20.Hazrat Syedana Shah Mubarek Gajnabi (R) 21.Hazrat Syedana Shah Kutubuddin (R) 22.Hazrat Syedana Saha Fazlullah (R) 23.Hazrat Syedana Shah Mahmud (R) 24.Hazrat Syedana Shah Nasiruddin (R) 25.Hazrat Syedana Shah Taiuddin (R) 26.Hazrat Syedana Nazamuddin (R) 27.Hazrat Syedana Shah Jafar (R) 28.Hazrat Syedana Shah Ahlullah (R) 29.Hazrat Syedana Mir Khaliluddin (R) 30.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Ahmanotullah (pbuh) 31.Hazrat Syedana Shah Munem Khosru Pakbaz (R) 32.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Kutubul Akteb Syed Mohammad Dayem (R) (Founder of Holy Sufi Dynasty Dayera Sharif, Dhaka) 33.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Rowshan Ali (R) 34.Hazrat Syedana Sufi Syed Ahmedullah (R) 35.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Laquitullah (R) 36.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Wazhullah (R) 37.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Kayemullah (R) 38.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Nurullah (R) 39.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Obaidullah (R) 40.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Azmatuallah (R) 41.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Abu Musa Kalimullah (R) 42.Hazrat Syedana Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah (pbuh) 43.His Eminency Dr. Hazrat Sheikh Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam 44.Shah Sufi Faizi Harmine Syed Khalilullah (Under training for successor ship as 44th Spiritual Leader of Dayera Sharif, Dhaka) 45. MuhiUddin Mohammad Alam 46. Hazrat Nur MuhiUddeen Alam 47. Ate E Dayem Mahmud Ullah, deputy Custodian and Vice-Chairman of Dayemi Complex Bangladesh and grandson Sheik Dayemullah ( R ) 42nd Descendant of Prophet and son of His Eminency M.N. Alam, 48. Mrs. Taslima Akhter Sweety, Executive Assistant to His Eminency Dr. Alam President World Spiritual Assembly and his Khalifa, 48. Rafiq Ahmed of USA, Special Representative for Religious & Spiritual Matter & UN Affairs, Special Negotiator of Abdur Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (RA) Sufi Legacy 49. Haji Nasir Uddin Shah & Dr. Momtaz Uddin Ahmed Secretary 700 year old Sufi Dynasty Azimpur Dayera Sharif 50. Munshi Atiqur Rahman 51. Principle Abdul Awual.

Summary of Biography Of His Eminency Dr. Sheik Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam


His Eminency Dr. Sheik Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam, religious and spiritual leader of The Muslim Sunni, 43rd spiritual successor from the Prophet of Islam, President of World Spiritual Assembly, NY, USA, Custodian and Chief Khalifa of 700-year old Sufi Dynasty, the Holy Dayera Sharif, Dhaka, Bangladesh, World Peace Envoy, United Nations NGO Permanent Representative, Founder of Seven International Orphanages in Bangladesh, Founder, World Human Rights Service Council, NY, USA, Founder, Secretary-General International Organization for World Peace, Disarmament, Development and Human Rights, New York USA Founder President, World Spiritual Institute, NY, USA, President and Chief of the Mission World Human Rights Service Council, New York, USA, Founding Member of London Diplomatic Academy and its United Nations Representative, NY Honorary professor, European University Madrid, Spain, and Iowa, USA and Chancellor, European Union University, Iowa, USA, Member of Advisory Council of Ansted University in Malaysia, Vice-President, CODE International, Madrid, Spain. Pioneer Spokesman and scholar researcher of "The Millennium Prophecy Heralds a Golden Age, chief coordinator Imam-Mahedi (SM), World Peace Mission, founder U.N Peace Messenger Organization, three times designated for the Nobel peace Prize between 1989 and 2000, designated first Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Permanent Representative of The Conch Republic to the United Nations and designated special representative of President of The Anjouan Islamic Republic to the United Nations June 2001 to December 2001. His Eminency Dr. M N Alam is Honorable Minister Plenipotentiary to UN of the International States Parliament for Safety & Peace since 2001. In January 16, 2001 His Eminency Dr. Alam awarded by Ansted University British Virgin Island, United Kingdom. He has been awarded for the following prestigious recognition: 1. International Academy of Culture and Political Science Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences 2. International Association of Educators for World Peace Diploma DHonnaur. 3. Institute of International Affairs Certificate of Honor. 4. Institutes for International Relations and Intercultural Studies Diploma in International Relations. 5. World Peace Academy Academician. 6. Center Cultural Copt Orthodox Academic Doctor. His Eminency also appointed as Chairman Department of Comparative Religion Albert Schweitzer International University, Switzerland since December 4, 2000. In November 11, 2002 His Eminency has been awarded as commander of World order Peace The Medal of The World Order Science-Education-Culture by the European Academy of Information along with UN Secretary-General His Excellency Dr. Kofi Annan in Madrid, Spain.

His Eminency Dr. Alam is the World Peace Envoy and Founder Director General of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh (DCB), established in 1969, and its Permanent representative to the United Nations since 1982. He is also the founder President of the World Spiritual Assembly (WSA), New York, established in 1990. In addition to all of these organizations, His Eminency is the founder and Secretary General of Bangladesh United Nations Association (BUNA), established in Dhaka, 1972.

H.E. Mohammed Nurul Alam, son of the late Mohammed Sirajul Islam, was born on February 28, 1953, at Mirsarai, Chittagong, Bangladesh and has been a social, religious and humanitarian worker since boyhood. Born in a respected Muslim religious family and gifted with a unique organizing ability, he has been a voluntary social worker all his life. He has developed an aptitude for universal humanism.

Through religious and spiritual capacity, His Eminency Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam became the spiritual successor of the Dayemi Sufi Dynasty Since 1977 and received his spiritual training from His Holiness Sheik Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah (R.A.), the religious and spiritual leader and the Master of the Four Sufi Orders, trained H.E.M.N. Alam in spiritual and religious practices for Fifteen years. During his pilgrimage to Makkha in 1987, His Holiness Sheik Shah Sufi Sayed Dayemullah (R), the 42nd direct descendant and spiritual successor to The Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Mohammed (SM), bestowed 43rd spiritual Successor ship upon H.E. Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam. He also designated H.E.M.N. Alam as Official Chief Khalifa and custodian of Dayera Sharif, a Sufi Institution and dynasty originated from the Holy Prophet of Islam Mohammed (SM) and followed by his worthy followers. After passing away of Shah Sufi Syed Dayemullah (R.A.) in 1995, His Eminency Mohammed Nurul Alam has become the custodian of the seven hundred years old Holy Dayera Sharif Sufi Dynasty. He is also rendering social welfare, humanitarian and voluntary services already started by H.H. Mahisawar (R.A.), one of the direct descendants of the Holy Prophet of Islam who lived his life for the cause of humanity seven hundred years ago in South East Asia, specially in India , Bangladesh, Mynamar, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.

His Eminency S.S.M.N.Alam, in serving the cause of neglected humanity, looks after more than 100 educational institutions including high schools, colleges, vocational training centers, madrashas, mosques, as well 15 orphanages housing several hundred parentless children in Bangladesh. His Eminency M.N.Alam has served asthe Managing Director of Dayemi Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Joint Motawalli of Sufi Nurullah WAQF Estate since 1987. He is also the Founder-Chairman of the Bangladesh Youth Hostel Association. He has been an Executive Member of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Oxford, England and an executive member of the IARF South Asia Coordinating Committee India until 1997. During His Eminency's leadership, the IARF was granted consultative status with the U.N Economic and Social Council (ESOSOC). Currently, he is the President of the IARF Bangladesh Chapter. Mr.Alam is the only representative of the Muslim world who attends, on behalf of The Dayemi Complex Bangladesh, the World Peace Congress, organized by IARF since between 1982 to 1987.

During his lifelong work toward peace and human rights, he has been associated with various national and international organizations rendering valuable services for the welfare of mankind. In December 1998 on the day of the observance of 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, he was designated As Secretary-General and Chief of mission of the World Human Rights Service Council, New York, for the support of mankind and refugees. US President Bill Clinton and U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan are some of the distinguished personalities of the World who have acknowledged this humanitarian effort in 1999. In the same year, His Eminency becomes a Founder Member of the Diplomatic Council of the London Diplomatic Academy, UK.

Since 1982 H.E. Mohammed Nurul Alam has been acting as the permanent representative of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh to the United Nations in New York, Vienna, Geneva and five Regional Economic Commission offices in Thailand, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Iraq and Chile. Under H.E.M.N. Alams leadership, the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh acquired consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations as well as associate status with the Department of Public Information (DPI), and UNICEF. Also the Dayemi Complex, Bangladesh, while working towards peace in the Middle East since 1982, has been given Associate Status with the Palestinian Rights Division of the United Nations. H.E.M.N. Alam has coordinated many international conferences in support of the United Nations in Dhaka, Bangladesh and worldwide from the office in New York. He also visited the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and risked his life to negotiate peace between the Palestinian and Israeli authorities. This peace initiative included an eleven-point peace proposal for Palestinian and Israeli authorities, which was adopted in the International Peace Conference held in Dhaka under the auspices of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh and authorized by the United Nations General Assembly. The Peace proposal has been acknowledged by the Secretary-General of The United Nations as well by President Ronald Regan, Mr.Mikhail Gorbachev, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Chief Imam of the Holy Kaba in Makkah, the Chief Justice of Saudi Arabia and other Heads of State. For these and other services and for contribution towards world peace, the Secretary-General of the United Nations designated the Dayemi Complex, Bangladesh as The United Nations Peace Messenger Organization in 1986.

His Eminency Dr. Alam has visited Soviet Union in 1986 by the special invitation of Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev to attended the International peace conference at BAKU as speaker His Eminency predicted The all Muslim states and territories should be free and independent from Soviet Union.

H.E.M.N. Alam organizes yearly seminars on behalf of the Dayemi Complex Bangladesh and World Spiritual Assembly to confer religious and peace awards on distinguished personalities for their outstanding contributions in various fields of humanitarian, social and religious services. In the service of the world peace, H.E.S.S.M.N. Alam has undertaken a research project on the subject of peace, progress, welfare and justice. This study includes an analysis of the prophecy of the emergence of the Great Imam Mehdi (SM). This research indicates that He will bring universal peace and a lasting enlightenment for humanity in about the year 2002. In a letter to Field Marshall Mohammad Ayub Khan, then President of Pakistan, His Eminency had predicted in 1968, that Bangladesh is sitting on a bed of vast mineral resources and natural gas. Recently in 2001, US technical experts have identified eighteen locations of oil and natural gas in Bangladesh, verifying His Eminencys earlier prediction. Negotiations are continuing presently between the governments of Bangladesh and the US to excavate and retrieve the newly discovered mineral resources.

In 1991, while President Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, His Eminency had predicted that he Mr. Clinton will be elected President of the United States for two terms and will not be facing impeachment in relation to the Monica Lewinsky affair. Additionally, He had also predicted that George Bush will be elected 43rd president of the US and he will remain in office for two years. The Mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas had conferred on him its honorary citizenship, and made him its honorary Ambassador.

H.E.M.N. Alam has traveled extensively in the interest of world peace, visited more than 155 countries including Israel and, South Africa and has attended over 700 conferences, seminars and congresses where he presented his Thesis "The Millennium Prophecy Heralding a Golden Age". Many influential leaders such as former U.S Presidents Bill Clinton and G. W. Bush and the U.N. Secretary General Dr. Kofi A. Annan have acknowledged the Millennium Prophecy. The Secretary General has recommended His Eminency to forward the Millennium Prophecy Statement to the permanent US representative to the U.N. for discussion to bring it to include it in the agenda of the U.N. Security Council and U.N. General Assembly. Accordingly, His Eminency has submitted the Prophecy to the White House, Washington, D.C. as well as to the President, U.N. General Assembly andU.N. Security Council.

His Eminency has presented the Millennium Prophecy at the Parliament of World Religions in Cape Town in December, 1999 and at the Millennium forum of the U.N. on May, 2000 and also at hundreds of conferences worldwide over twenty years. Many of the facts in the prophecy are beginning to be realized. The London Diplomatic Academy in its February edition highlighted the Millennium Prophecy statement. Professor Dr. Alfonso Roldan More, President of the European Union University in Madrid, Spain has included the Millennium Prophecy Herald a Golden Age in the University's curriculum for the Theology department. His Eminency's associate Dr. Amarjit Singh Anand and Dr. Ashoka Banerjee Paul is preparing, editing and compiling the Millennium Prophecy Thesis with the cooperation of Dr. Richard T. Jordan. This will be submitted to the European University of Madrid, Spain, Iowa, USA and also to the Ansted University of Malaysia, Damascus University of Syria, Al Azhar University of Cairo, Egypt, King Abdul Aziz University of Makkha, Saudi Arabia, U.N. World Peace University, Costa Rica and U.N. University Tokyo, Japan for the Millennium Thesis' round-table conference.

The International Organization for World Peace, Disarmament, Development and Human Rights nominated His Eminency S.S.M.N. Alam, who has devoted his life to the cause of world peace, as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. In 1996 by the World Spiritual Assembly, New York, designated him as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Price and also the World Human Rights Service council jointly with the friends of United Nations Organizations, U.N. Office, New York, USA designated his name for the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize.

The World Spiritual Assembly and its international forum held in the New York City in July 1989 have conferred three honorary Ph. D. degrees (Doctor of Comparative Religion, Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy in Spirituality) upon H.E. Nurul Alam. European Union University Iowa, USA and Ansted University, British Virgin Island, United Kingdom, Malaysia have conferred Honorary Ph. D. Degree Dr. in Philosophy and Spirituality to H.E. Nurul Alam in July 2000. His Eminency has received more than twenty-five honorary Ph.D. degrees from very respected educational institutions around the globe.

The American Biographical Institute awarded him with the International Culture Diploma of Honor, and designed His Eminency Dr. Mohammad Nurul Alam as lifetime Deputy Governor. This organization also listed him in 5000 Personalities of the World 5th edition and on the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership. The Order of International Ambassador, and the Presidential Seal of Honor are also among the numerous recognitions awarded for his lifetime achievements. He is also listed in Who's Who in the World - 11th Edition, in 1993 and 17th Edition of Millennium Edition dated January 2000, and also is listed Who's Who in the East, Millennium Edition, 1999, a publication of Marquis Who's Who in the World, USA, International Who's Who Intellectuals - 12th edition and was named "Man of the 20th Century". His Eminency was awarded with the 20th Century Award for Achievement for his outstanding contribution towards world peace through the Millennium Prophecy by the International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England. He is also listed in the 1000 Leaders of World Influence 9th Edition, an American Biographical Institute publication which includes a summary of The Millennium Prophecy. H.E.S.S.M.N. Alam also appears of the 10th edition of 500 Leader of Influence of the World. This book also provides detailed information on the Millennium Prophecy. His Eminency M.N. Alam is married and has one daughter, Miss Sayeda Noor E Iynin and three sons, Ata E Dayem Sayed Mahmudullah Faize Hermain Sayed Khalilullah and Mohiuddin Mohammad Alam.

His Eminency Dr. Sheik Shah Sufi Mohammad Nurul Alam has been designated by the competent authority of the Conch Republic as First Ambassador to the U.N. in August 2000 and heads the diplomatic mission in New York City for recognition of the Conch Republic and designated special representative of President of The Anjouan Islamic Republic to the United Nations June 2001 to December 2001. His Eminency Dr. M N Alam is Honorable Minister Plenipotentiary to UN of the International States Parliament for Safety & Peace since 2001. His Eminency has been awarded The Medal of The World Order Science-Education-Culture by the European Academy of Information as commander of World Peace. He also has been designated full time Professor of European Academy of Information on March 12, 2002, in the World Conference Madrid, Spain.

The Reference of the Websites that includes His Eminency Dr. Alams information:,,,

If You want to know lot more about His Eminency Dr. Alam's activities for World Peace & Human Rights, please go to and search for biography, Millennium Prophecy, Authentic History of the World and Alam's Vision Of Bangladesh.


Bangladesh (Peoples Republic of Bangladesh)

Area: 55,598 sq. mi. (144,000 sq. km) Birth Date: 16th December, 1971

Population (2000 est.): 129,194,224 (average annual rate of natural increase: 1.7%); birth rate: 25.4/1000; infant mortality rate: 71.7/1000; density per sq. mi.: 2,324. Capital and largest city: Dhaka: city proper (1991 census) 3,839,000; metro area (1996 est.) 8,500,000. Other large cities (est.mid-1994): Chittagong, 3,000,000; Khulna, 2,000,000. Monetary unit: Taka. Principal languages: Bangla (official), English. Ethnicity/race: Bengali 98%, Biharis 250,000, tribals less than 1 million. Religions: Muslim 83%, Hindu 16%, Buddhist, Christian, other. Literacy rate: 36%. Economic summary: GDP/PPP (1998 est.): $175.5 billion; $1,380 per capita. Real growth rate: 4%. Inflation: 7% (1998). Unemployment: 35.2% (1996). Arable land: 73%. Agriculture: rice, jute, tea, wheat, sugarcane, potatoes, beef, milk, poultry. Labor force: 56 million: agriculture, 65%; services, 25%; industry and mining, 10% (1996). Industries: jute manufacturing, cotton textiles, food processing, steel, fertilizer. Natural resources: natural gas, arable land, timber. Exports: $4.4 billion (1997): garments, jute and jute goods, leather, frozen fish and seafood. Imports: $7.1 billion (1997): capital goods, textiles, food, petroleum products. Major trading partners: Western Europe, U.S., Hong Kong, Japan, India, China, Singapore. Member of Commonwealth of Nations.

His Eminency Dr. Shah Sufi Mohammed Nurul Alam - Citizen of Bangladesh - Pioneer spokesman proclaimed Millennium Prophecy Heralds Golden Age during the Global Forum and World Summit (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992.

Alams vision of Bangladesh

History Of Bangladesh: Original a part (present Bangladesh was then called Greater Bengali) of undivided India it was earlier carved out of India (and named East Pakistan) by the colonialist British, in 1947, simultaneously creating West Pakistan, based of religious considerations. What a ' creative' design: a large chunk of land called India in between, with West & East Pakistan on two sides; rather, it was an ulterior motivation of the former imperialist power, in Hinduism; as a 'pasting-gift', the British created divisions based on religious affiliations.

Ultimately, this unfeasible and untenable administrative- arrangement could not remain effective any longer, and in 1971, miraculously, independent Bangladesh emerged, when at the pinnacle of successive tyrant military regimes gen. Yahya Khan, the dictator of West Pakistan imposed Martial-Law in the East, and imprisoned all political leaders in this region, including the recently elected President of Pakistan (East & West) Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman and they killed more then thirty million innocent people of Bangladesh during the ninth month so called military ruler against the liberation army of Bangladesh in 1971.

Sheikh was then empowered by his political party to head a government-in-exile, while still languishing in prison. At the express-request of the founder of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman, and international gestures of goodwill towards India, the then Indian Prime Minister Mrs.Indira Gandhi sent troops to the aid of the local liberation forces called 'Mukti-Bhini'. The joint forces commanded by Indian General Jagjit Singh Aurora compelled the Pakistan army to surrender within two weeks uner Gen. A.A.K. Niazi.

Religious & Spiritual Aspects of the area called the Golden Delta (Bay of Bengal) as envisioned by His Eminency.

The British had sensed the natural wealth but failed to drain it, as they done in other areas of the Indian sub-continent. Now American scientists have identified 19 such sites.

In 1968 His Eminency was a student of eighth grade in the Sarkar Hat N.R. High School, Misarai, and Chittagong. At the tender age, he was so advanced spiritually and intellectually that he shot off a detailed twelve page personal missive to the Military ruler of West Pakistan, Field Marshal Gen. Ayub Khan.

His 'Dreamer-of-Golden-Bengal' Proclamation follows:

East Pakistan is a land replete with vast untapped natural mineral resources, manpower, and crops. The regimes ruling Pakistan since 1947 have failed to give enough thought and attention to fully exploit these for the elevation of the living standards of the inhabitant local populace. Then started military rule in 58. However, you are a hero of the military establishment of this region, creating infrastructure as highways, and railways etc. I appreciate your gracious consideration of the East Pakistani people and their problems. I, also admire the dedicated work of your Governor, Lt. Gen.Azam khan.

East and West Pakistan are rooted in totally diverse cultures, heritage, linguistic and socio-economic ethos, political and historical milieu, food habits, customs and characteristics etc. Hence, they should not, and cannot, be a single entity for long; it is just not possible considering all the factors.

The famous Mughal Dynastic rule extended over undivided India, for over 300 years (15th century to 18th century). Emperor Jehangir, a descendant of the Founder of the dynasty, planned to visit Bengal areas of Dhaka and Chittagong. His local administrators in these areas, Shahista Khan named Dhaka as Jahangirnagar and Chittagong as Islamabad, in honor of the Royal visit.

Jahangir arrived there with his entourage comprising a nine member high-powered advisory council of intellectuals. It must be noted that with only exception of Aurangzeb all his predecessor Mughal Emperors were illiterate. Nevertheless, they were intelligent, and also preferred to encourage, and to seek and rely on the genius of their advisors.

When the royal party arrived there in the territory of chandpur, his advisors were there for a period of about six hours, and during this time they observed a host of natural phenomenon including rainbows, heavy rain, sunny weather, storms etc. Also, they noticed the two rivers Meghna and Padma flowing together' this was miraculous phenomenon of ebb and tide; water of two colors and two tastes: one as sweet, distilled, mineral water was puss and clean, and the other muddy and salted. they were intrigued at what they saw, and so they inquired in a humble manner why the Emperor was visiting the area, especially without wine and women. He told them that it was in accordance and pursuance of the dream of his forefathers, and as advised by their counselors. The Emperor sought their opinion about the people, and the geography terrain.

After detailed observations, they reported back. They advised him that though the area is miraculously rich in resources, the people are unworthy, with the exception of some religious-minded and spiritually-oriented guides and priests who migrated from Arab and other countries to preach Islam and Buddhism in the Indian sub-continent. They have a chronological ancestry and trace their lineage. The native people, the original inhabitants were generally fishermen, nicknamed 'Mug'. In the 12th century gradually the eastern part of India was developed by the migrant families of Greek, Egyptian, Iranian, Turkish and Portuguese origins. This was an amalgamation of all these cultures and races.

And so Jahangir and his party returned to Delhi, abandoning their visit to Dhaka and Chittagong, thereby leaving the dream unfulfilled.

Later, another Emperor Azim-ushan sent his Prime Minister Roshan Ali. This functionary was suffering from leprosy. He tried Indian herbal medicine but failed to be cured. Then, in a dream he was commanded by Almighty God to go to a holy place called Dayera Sharif in Azimpur area, where resided the great Sufi Saint Dayem, a direct descendant of the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Mohammad (pubh). Roshan Ali was cured of the dreaded disease. He resigned from his political position and took up religious preaching, and stayed there for twelve years. He presented a historic gold-leafed copy bore the seal and signature of Emperor Azim. Roshan Ali was later married to the only daughter of the Sufi Spiritual Master.

After several centuries, His Eminency visited holy Dayera Sharif on December 31, 1976 and acknowledged and researched all the academic resources, It is said: 'History repeats itself ', and so it was repeated when he was married to the only daughter of the current Sufi Shah Sayed Dayemullah, the 42nd descendant of the Prophet, and concurrent custodianship of the Holy Dayera Sharif. In right Ernest, he took up the duty of preaching Islam from Rangoon in Burma to manikganj in Bangladesh, and administering the shrines. For 15 years he researched extensively various sources including accounts written by Ibn-I-Batuta, and concluded that generally the ruling coterie and political touts, without knowledge and aims, objectives, and a sense of patriotism were exploiting innocent gullible people with corrupt practice and oppressive tactics. Confusion and chaos was the 'order of the day'.

These communications addressed to F.M. Ayub khan and Gen. Yahya Khan was duly acknowledged, but both failed to comprehend the import of the hidden message. Finally, on December 16, 1971, with the Benediction of Almighty, and the blessings of Sufi Masters, Bangladesh emerged as an independent entity.

95% of the people are Muslim. Ambitious Army Generals and corrupt politicians have been busy devising ways and means of unsurprising power and wealth since independence, giving a damn to the betterment of the poor masses. They paid no heed to spiritual and religious guidance, and continued on their corrupt path unchecked. They have no specific charted plan of action.

Upon his release from prison in Pakistan, Sheikh did not maintain cordial relations mentally, with the Indian establishment. Consequently, he was isolated, and then assassinated due to conspiracy involving his army. The influence of KGB (Soviet Intelligence) and RAW (Indian Intelligence) wanted the Indian allegations that the Indian army took away ammunition, heavy arms and luxury goods from the cantonment, when they had to finally withdraw.

Before the Blessed Advent of Imam Mahdi and Prophet Isah, none can help the Nation, and the state of affairs shall remain as it is, until such time. After that, this region shall emerge and be regarded as the most influential and wealthy place on the surface of earth, more than the kingdom of Brunei.

In March, 1972, His Eminency visited Banga Bhawan, at the invitation of the first president of Bangladesh, Hon. Justice Abu Sayed Chowdhury. Then, in September of '72,H.E. met with Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman and his political associate and uncle, Hafez Monir Hussain of Armani Tola, old part of Dhaka, at P.M. residence 32, Dhan Mandi. They, too, could not understand of Eminency.

At the request of the First President & Prime Minister, His Eminency founded, in 1972, the United Nations Assn. of Bangladesh, under the Patronage of the Bangladesh, President and Prime Minister. His Eminency was Founder Secretary-general, with Hafez Monir Hussain as its President. It must be noted that the UNAB was founded, at a time when the United Nations and the United States of America had not yet granted formal recognition the nely-born Bangladesh. Later His Eminency address communications to all world leaders, seeking recognition for the newly born country. The UN Secretary-, Dr. Kurt Waldheim paid a surprise visit to Bangladesh, during a stopover en-route Bangkok. His Eminency paid courtesy call on Dr. Waldheim, to inform him about the details of UNBA, and recognition matter. This Organization has been affiliated to D.P.I of the UN

in 1975, Sheikh Mujib was assassinated, with the active connivance of the army.

In 1977, H.E. visited President and Chief Martial law Administrator, Justice Abu Shahadat Mohammad Sayem (a relative of his) in the presidential house. This gentleman failed to understand. Subsequent Presidents, Justice Abus Satter and President Gen. Erahad followed suit. Following the same set pattern were two prime Ministers, Sheikh Hasina, and Khaleda Zia, whom His Eminency did not even deem proper to advise.

So now, having been tired of all this advocacy, H.E. has finally decided to address this very significant issue to a large audience: the global family, instead of the local political fraternity in Bangladesh. This Millennium prophecy goes out to all Heads of States and Governments, worldwide.

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